From the Director’s Desk – IXL Math Program

Our K5-5th grade elementary math program not only consists of our curriculum which teaches our students skills that are higher than the state and national standards, but we also integrate the IXL learning experience site. In the IXL program, students are able to practice math skills by using visual representations, word problems, and interactive activities. We are also targeting and developing their higher order thinking skills.   Not only does it offer a wide range of math concepts for each grade level, but it is engaging and challenging with a built in virtual reward system.  If your child is struggling with a skill, there is an explanation of the right answer through a scaffolding approach. In addition, you are able to view a comprehensive report of your child’s progress.  Here are a few things to know as a parent:

*K5-5th grade teachers assign 2-3 IXL skills for homework each week.

*Assignments are graded for completion either by spending 15 min. on the skill or reaching 85% accuracy for each skill.

*Students are welcomed to practice other skills beyond what is assigned.  This may be beneficial if they are struggling with a concept or if they desire more of a challenge. 

*Students are recognized for mastering skills- reaching 100% accuracy.

*We recognize those students who have mastered the most skills for the quarter in their class (every 2-3 weeks during chapel).  They are able to go to the office to receive a treat. 

*We also give certificates at the end of the quarter for those who have mastered the most skills for each class. They will need to have mastered at least 10 skills.