Acceptable Use of Technology

1. It is a privilege to use the electronic technology.

2. Responsible users may use the technology to research assigned classroom projects under the supervision of classroom teachers.

3. Responsible users must use approved web sites only.

4. Responsible users may NOT:

a) Use the technology for any illegal purpose such as plagiarism.
d) Change any computer files that do not belong to the user.
c) Violate the rules of common sense and etiquette.
b) Use impolite or abusive language.
e) Send or get copyright materials without permission.

If the rules above are not followed, student use of technology will be cancelled. If a student damages any equipment, the student and student’s family will pay for the repair or replacement of the items.

I understand the Technology Guidelines and I will follow the rules. If I do not follow the rules, I understand that my technology privileges will be taken away. In addition, I will face disciplinary consequences.

I have read this Acceptable Use of Technology & Use of Technology Agreement. I give permission for my child to use the technology, including the INTERNET. I understand that the INTERNET is a worldwide group of hundreds of thousands of computer networks. I do know that Christ Fellowship Academy, and Christ Fellowship does not control the content of the INTERNET networks. At school, each student’s access to and use of the network will be under the teacher’s discretion and monitored as a regular instructional activity. Christ Fellowship Academy cannot prevent the possibility that some users may access material that is not consistent with the educational mission, goals and policies of CF Academy. Further, I understand that if my child damages any equipment, I /we will be obligated to pay for the repair or replacement of the damaged equipment. Technology privileges will be assigned upon receipt of this signed consent agreement.